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  • Writer's picture Wendy Jasper

How to Ethically Use AI for Your Branding and Website

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

In today's digital age, AI tools like ChatGPT have become invaluable resources for small-time entrepreneurs seeking to create impactful branding and develop engaging websites. While AI has not yet replaced the mastery of seasoned professionals, it can undoubtedly help us level the playing field. As a firm believer in the democratising power of AI, I see it as a great equaliser in the business world. No longer is effective copywriting and branding limited to those with substantial financial resources. AI empowers entrepreneurs, including myself as a dyslexic creative, to bridge the gap and elevate their branding and messaging to new heights.

However, to fully harness ChatGPT's capabilities, it's important to approach the process with a collaborative and iterative mindset. It requires engaging in a back-and-forth conversation, seeking critiques, copying and pasting generated content into a separate document, incorporating personal tones, adding our unique spelling and quirks (like my Aussie spelling), and refining the outputs along the way. This iterative approach enables us to fine-tune the generated content, aligning it more closely with our individual vision, values, and brand identity.

Embracing this collaborative journey with ChatGPT may take a little time to grasp fully and figure out the way you like using it. Remember there is no right and wrong here, not even any “best way” as we are all still learning to navigate this new frontier. I will guide you through the process that created impactful results for myself and my clients and will hopefully be enough to get you started with harnessing AI-assisted creativity to help bring your unique business vision to life!

Here are a few general tips for working with ChatGPT (any version, free or paid as of June 2023).

  • Be Specific: One question at a time.

    • Break your questions into specific queries that address individual aspects of your brand, website, or content. By focusing on one topic at a time, you can obtain more precise guidance and suggestions.

  • Provide Context

    • Offer additional context and background information about your business, target audience, industry, or specific challenges you are facing. This additional information enables ChatGPT to better understand your unique situation and generate more tailored responses.

  • Provide Examples

    • When requesting specific advice or strategies, provide examples or scenarios related to your business. This helps ChatGPT provide more practical and tailored recommendations.

  • Specify Preferences

    • If you have particular preferences, such as a preferred style of communication, preferred tools, or a specific target market, let ChatGPT know. This allows it to take those preferences into account when providing recommendations or suggestions.

  • What do you want it to be

    • Have fun telling ChatGPT what you want it to be, a successful branding expert, an award-winning copywriter, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Yoda…

Step 1: All About Your Business

You need to start by telling ChatGPT all about your business. It needs to know your business activities, future aspirations, core values, mission, vision, target audience, and unique selling proposition. This foundation will provide essential context for your future conversations with ChatGPT.

There are multiple ways you can do this, this is how I did it, I told Chat GPT - These are the different things I currently do in my business………….. And this is what I would like to do in the future….. Ask me questions to help define my brand guide, including my brand's core values, mission, vision, target audience and unique selling proposition.

It then gave me a really good list of questions specifically tailored to the different hats I wear in my business. I copied over the questions and answered them all, then coped my answers and went back to ChatGPT and asked it - Below are the answers to those questions, use them to create a brand guide and highlight common themes and values (answers inserted here).

Step 2: Refine Your Brand Guide

After receiving responses from ChatGPT, copy and paste them into a separate document. Take your time to review and refine the brand guide generated by ChatGPT. Ensure it resonates with your values and aligns with your intended audience. If needed, make edits, adjust the tone, or ask ChatGPT for further guidance to enhance the brand guide. I like asking ChatGPT to critique its own work and tell me how it can be improved. Then if I like the critique points, I tell it to apply the critique and rewrite. I also play with things like:

  • rewrite as a New York Times Bestselling author

  • rewrite as Oprah

  • rewrite as an avant-garde artist

This is where you get to play and be creative with the suggestions you give it. Sometimes a word, sentence or paragraph from these crazy rewrites is pure gold.

Step 3: Design Your Website Layout

Once you are satisfied with your brand guide, copy it, then ask ChatGPT - Create a website layout that reflects my brand guide and values, while appealing to my ideal customers (and paste your finalised brand guide in at the end of the question).

Similar to the brand guide, follow an iterative process of review, refinement, and seeking additional guidance from ChatGPT.

Step 4: Compelling Website Copy

Continue the collaboration with ChatGPT by asking for assistance in developing compelling wording for your homepage and other website pages. Aim for messaging that resonates with your target audience and aligns with your brand guide. Again, iterate and refine the generated content to ensure it accurately represents your brand's voice and values.

Step 5 and Beyond: Extend to Social Media

As ChatGPT becomes more familiar with your brand, values, and ideal customers, you can explore additional avenues for assistance. Ask ChatGPT for a list of social media post ideas that would appeal to your target audience. Leverage the knowledge and insights acquired during your interactions to craft engaging and relevant social media content.

Optimising your interaction with ChatGPT is an ongoing process. Be creative and have fun in your questioning and continually seek ways to improve your business, from planning and time management to podcast ideas. Remember, ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but the final decisions and adaptations should always be made by you, the entrepreneur, to ensure your brand's authenticity and resonance. Embrace the possibilities, iterate, and refine until you achieve the results that truly represent your unique brand identity and engage your ideal customers.

Copywrite Wendy Jasper

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