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  • Writer's picture Wendy Jasper

Behind My Bali Obsession: More Than Just a Paradise

It's been ten years since I first set foot in Bali, and yet, every single time I come back, it feels like a homecoming. No, not just a homecoming, more like a soulful reunion. I've heard people describe Bali as their "soul home", and while that's close to how I feel, it doesn't quite capture the entire experience. What Bali does for me is akin to my cups being filled to the brim with all things rejuvenating - not just for my physical well-being but for my creative spirit too. When I'm here, my creativity, insights and productivity thrive.

Now, I'll be the first to admit - Bali isn't a paradise. It has its fair share of poverty, stray dogs, barking dogs, dog poo, litter, gruelling traffic, uneven sidewalks, and let's not mention the wifi. There are moments when you feel like a walking ATM, with locals using varying tactics to try and separate me and my money. I find myself politely declining, repeating "tidik mow" (No, I mean it) like a mantra.

Yet, amidst all these, what Bali does offer is an irresistible charm. Think about the delight of continually savouring freshly cooked meals that tickle your every tastebud, basking in the perfect climate with ample sunshine. Imagine multiple daily swims and floating in the warm water, rejuvenating massages every other day, yoga whenever you feel the pull, and pleasant walks to your next meal, latte, or beach sunrise. It truly is a recipe for holistic well-being.

As an introvert, solitude is something I cherish dearly. I adore my family and miss them heaps when I come away, but very rarely do I get days alone, all by myself, to indulge in the kind of peace that restores my energy. These trips to Bali, are such a gift, as they give me that in abundance. Plus, there's something so liberating about taking a hiatus from everyday chores - no cooking, cleaning, or laundry. And apart from my initial trip, I've been blessed with a breather from my motherly duties when I come too.

And then, there's the omnipresent beauty. Bali is a canvas painted with vibrant hues of artistry. The flowers, the stunning gardens, the intricately carved fountains, and sculptures - they're literally everywhere! Even the most mundane objects like doors and furniture are adorned and beautified. Beauty and creativity are two of my core values, and this island is a living, breathing masterpiece that never fails to captivate me. Beauty and creativity are not just a part of Bali; they are its heart.

I can't mention Bali, without Bali Hinduism and a big part of that is the daily rituals and blessings, the canang sari - small, yet deeply symbolic offerings made from flowers, food, and incense. Every piece is crafted with purpose and intent, a ritual and prayer for balance and harmony. Perhaps that's why I'm so drawn to this place. Being here, surrounded by this thousand-year-old ritual, infuses me with a sense of tranquillity that I've rarely found elsewhere. In Bali, the mantra of balance and harmony doesn't just echo around you; if you slow down, it will seep into you, pervading your very soul.

canang sari, Bali

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