Championing Creativity and Small Businesses
With over three decades of experience in launching and growing both creative and for purpose buisness and projects, I have developed a unique approach that blends strategic insight with a passion for fostering inclusive, sustainable growth within the creative, cultural and for purpose small businesses sectors.
My approach is informed by my own lived experiences as a neurodivergent artist, alongside a decade of teaching and mentoring small businesses. This is backed up by a Grad Dip in applied small business and continuous learning, including in trauma-informed practices and how to facilitate safer, more inclusive spaces. I'm currently studying a Masters of Cultural Leadership through NIDA to learn how to better impact policy changes and improve my ongoing advocacy and research.
Public Speaking & Engagements
RMIT Swanston St Library Sensory Study Space (2024): Invited to speak at the opening and contributed as a member of the lived experience consultation committee.
RMIT Library Staff Accessibility Training Videos (2023): Recorded Interview to aid library staff in better understanding and serving the needs of neurodivergent students and staff. used at national conferences.
RMIT Leadership Conversation: Accessibility in Action Panel (2023): Invited panel member discussing my lived experience as an neurodivergent RMIT student, discussing what helped or hindered my learning.
Phoenix Spirit - Soul Expansion For Life And Business (2021): Guest speaker on "The Creative Cycle, and why creatives often skip the selling part."
Tea with a Slice-of-life Workshop Series (2020): Presented "The Stories We Tell Ourselves, That We Think Are True." Helping small business owners to see what stories could be blocking their success.
Thrive Event, Wellington (2019): Presented "Thriving as a Creative Entrepreneur"talk accompanied by a fireside chat and Q&A with award-winning author and entrepreneur Denise Dufield-Thomas.
More than Rubies Conference, Wellington (2017): Delivered a keynote talk on "Key strategies for balancing business and creative success".
Wellington Handmade Festival of Making Conference (2013 and 2014): Delivered interactive workshops on "Making It at Markets" and "The Art of Selling Your Craft."
Podcast Host, Abundant Artist Podcast (2020): Interviewed successful everyday creative entrepreneurs.
Podcast Guest, Various Podcasts (2020 - Present): Shared insights on the unique challenges faced by self-employed creatives and for purpose small buisnesses.
Workshops & Courses
Small and Micro Business Empowerment Programme
Refined, and taught this course for Sisterworks, empowering female immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers to establish and grow sustainable businesses. Provided mentorship and guidance to participants, focusing on business skills, strategic planning, and the unique challenges faced by creative and cultural entrepreneurs from marginalised communities.
Abundant Artist Academy
Created online weekly business workshops during COVID lockdowns on topics covering: Social media, marketing, budgeting and cash flow, time management. Delivered in a way that appealed to the needs of creative entreprenours.
Time Management for Women
Created specifically for Chrysalis for Women Business Network, understanding many were also juggling being a mums while growing their business.
Bright Ideas into a Successful Business
A sold-out 6-week business course for Kapiti Women’s Centre. Written for the specific needs of female entrepreneurs who were growing or starting their business with often limited or no business or marketing education.
Grants & Awards
Runner-up, Living City Design Lab Competition,
A Public Art competition to activate the Springs Place Precinct in Melbourne.
Greater Wellington Business Women of the Year
Best Emerging Business Award, for the Wellington Underground Market.
Economic Development Grant
To aid in the launching of the Wellington Underground Market
Hutt City Council Event Grants
For the Jackson St Programme to run the Petone Winter Festival
Healthpact Grant ACT
Funding to run the The Active Women for purpose project I developed.

Strategic Leadership & Advocacy
I believe in the transformative power of creative, cultural and for purpose small businesses to drive meaningful, sustainable change and help to reshape our communities and society. My advocacy and leadership has focused on inclusivity, championing neurodivergent accessibility and developing policies and initiatives that support creative, cultural and for purpose small businesses to flourish.
I’ve presented policy recommendations to local governments, been part of focus groups on inclusivity and adaptability and have led initiatives promoting sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity within theses sectors.
My public speaking engagements include keynotes and workshops at conferences like RMIT Accessibility in Action panel, the Handmade Festival of Making, More than Rubies Conference, as well as guest speaker on various creative and business podcasts.
My private consulting work has helped small businesses and cultural organisation to audit and analyse their marketing, customer engagement and/or operation structures and systems. From there I could help them to implement tangable changes enabling them to operate more efficently and impactful.

Research & Writing
For the past year I've been conducting independent research in to the suitability, accessibility and availability of the following five areas for creative, cultural and for purpose small businesses or self employed in Melbourne and Australia:
1) Business education and business support
2) Government grants/funds
3) Affordable retail and studio spaces
4) Networking opportunities
5) Relatable every day role models (as apposed to the easily available hero archetypes such as successful tech bros, famous actors and artists, and the assumption that a successful business means investors and scaling).
With regards to points 1 and 2, I've also been analysing if they have an understanding of the different and often quite specific needs, aims, belief systems or challenges faced by the creative, cultural and for purpose small businesses, and how and where these vary from traditional businesses/entrepreneurs.
I have also been researching the additional challenges faced by marginalised sub groups that seam to have higher representation within the creative, cultural and small business sectors.
I’m currently exploring the most impactful and useful ways to share my research to date, which may be a book and/or a series of opinion pieces and/or podcast series.
I am committed to sharing my knowledge openly, supporting others in their creative and business journeys, and advocating inclusive, vibrant, and sustainably supported communities.